Rp.344,000Mild hard cheese inspired by the traditional Asiago from Italy.
It can assume different textures, according to its aging, ( 3 to 9 months) from smooth for the fresh variety, to a crumbly texture for the aged cheese.
The aged cheese is often grated in salads, soups, pastas, and sauces while the fresh Asiago is sliced to prepare panini or also it can be melted on a variety of dishes and cantaloupe.
Price: IDR 344,000/kg
Minimum order: 1 kg
Shelf life: 4-6 months
Packaging: Vacuum pack
Please order: 3 days in advance (weekdays)
Rp.344,000Scamorza is a spun paste cow’s milk cheese belonging to the “pasta filata” family.
Shaped similar to a provolone in pear shape, it is available in many other forms as well.
It is a semi-soft cheese with a texture comparable to that of a firm, dry mozzarella but more piquant.
Scamorza is used as a substitute for Mozzarella as it imparts more interest in the recipe.
Since Scamorza has excellent melting qualities, it is best known to flavour baking dishes, for griddling or topped with prosciutto for extra zest.
Price: IDR 344,000/kg
Minimum order: 1 kg
Shelf life: 60 days
Packaging: Vacuum pack
Please order: 3 days in advance (weekdays)
Tomi (Black Pepper / Curry)
Rp.344,000The salty-spicy punch of the black pepper / curry contrasts the rich, nutty, creaminess of this cheese.
Try pairing the cheese with wines such as Chianti, Light Red Wine and Chardonnay.
Price: IDR 344,000/kg
Minimum order: 1 kg
Shelf life: 90 days
Packaging: Vacuum pack
Please order: 3 days in advance (weekdays)
Smoked Scamorza
Rp.371,500Scamorza can be substituted for mozzarella in most dishes, but the resulting taste will be much stronger and more dominant.
It is reputed to melt better in baking.
Using the smoked variety (scamorza affumicata) adds a nice background flavour in replacement of mozzarella.
Price: IDR 371,500/kg
Minimum order: 1 kg
Shelf life: 60 days
Packaging: Vacuum pack
Please order: 3 days in advance (weekdays)
Durvillea Pinot Grigio
Rp.372,000A Pinot Grigio with a new world twist. Fruit was selected from the Wairau and Waihopai valleys and used in the Durvillea blend to give perfumed and restrained fragrance, yellow golden hues and whilst crisp and fresh with a classy dryness, it has a hint of ripe pears and minerality on the palate. Light bodied, but great with food, it has balanced acidity and has a rich smooth finish. The flavour of the new world with some restrained elegance of the old world!
A vivid green seaweed, known as Durvillea, waves from the sea along Marlborough`s rocky coastline, clinging to rocks at low tide. To the locals, it is known as Bull Kelp or Rimurapa. Our winemaker Simon Waghorn was drawn to Durvillea when studying toward a Masters of Natural Resources in 1980. He was planning to farm seaweed but changed course to undertake a career in winemaking. Its strong lines, shapes, textures and colours were the inspiration for this wine. It is symbolic of Simon Waghorn`s pure and complex wines from his acclaimed Astrolabe Winery. His wife, Jane Forrest Waghorn recognised there is a market demand for a high quality, accessible wine. The result is a strong distinctive brand, producing beautiful wines which come from sustainable vineyards and are environmentaly friendly.