Guinness 325 ml
Rp.34,500Guinness is made of water, malt, barley, hops and yeast. Barley is baked to give Guinness a look of dark color and distinctive aroma. When you look closely, the Guinness look looks dark ruby, not black. Guinness thick beer is created by mixing beer with nitrogen in the pouring process.
Minimum order 1 crate (24 bottles)
Guinness 620 ml
Rp.50,500Guinness is made of water, malt, barley, hops and yeast. Barley is baked to give Guinness a look of dark color and distinctive aroma. When you look closely, the Guinness look looks dark ruby, not black. Guinness thick beer is created by mixing beer with nitrogen in the pouring process.
Minimum order 1 crate (12 bottles)
Guinness Can 320 ml
Rp.32,500Guinness is made of water, malt, barley, hops and yeast. Barley is baked to give Guinness a look of dark color and distinctive aroma. When you look closely, the Guinness look looks dark ruby, not black. Guinness thick beer is created by mixing beer with nitrogen in the pouring process.
Minimum order 1 carton (24 cans)Guinness Can 500 ml
Rp.46,500Guinness is made of water, malt, barley, hops and yeast. Barley is baked to give Guinness a look of dark color and distinctive aroma. When you look closely, the Guinness look looks dark ruby, not black. Guinness thick beer is created by mixing beer with nitrogen in the pouring process.
500 ml
Minimum order 1 carton (24 cans)